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Cyclamen Care


Cyclamen plants have blooms of five petals and curve upwards, resembling butterflies in. The foliage is dark green and often has silvery markings. Plants are available in white, cerise, red and pink colours. Individual blooms last up to 10 days to 2 weeks. Plants itself should last about 3 to 4 weeks and is available typically through the winter

  1. Cyclamen like things cool; the smaller the leaves, the cooler they can stand it. Especially at night.
  2. If kept too warm, the leaves will yellow and the plant will produce less flowers.
  3. Make sure the soil is moist and never allow it to completely dry out.
  4. Water you plant by either pouring room temperature water over the soil or by setting the pot in a few centimetres of water until the pot is completely moistened.
  5. Do not get water on the leaves, flower or plant crown.

Allows always the soil to drain thoroughly.

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